Copy constructor in Java

In object-oriented programming, the concept of a copy constructor allows for the creation of a new object by copying the values of another object. In Java, copy constructors provide a convenient way to clone objects and create independent copies. In this article, we will explore the concept of copy constructors in Java with a proper example, discussing their purpose, implementation, and benefits.

The Purpose of a Copy Constructor in Java

A copy constructor enables the creation of a new object that is an independent copy of an existing object. It helps avoid references to the same memory location, allowing for separate modifications without affecting the original object. Copy constructors are particularly useful when dealing with mutable objects or when there is a need to create deep copies of objects.

Copy Constructor Implementation in Java

In Java, a copy constructor is a special constructor that takes an object of the same class as its parameter. It creates a new object by copying the values of the attributes from the provided object. Let’s consider an example of a Student class to understand the implementation of a copy constructor:

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int rollNo;

    // Copy constructor
    public Student(Student student) { =;
        this.rollNo = student.rollNo;

    // Regular constructor
    public Student(String name, int rollNo) { = name;

In the example above, the Student class has a copy constructor that takes an object of the Student class as a parameter. Inside the copy constructor, the values of the attributes (name and rollNo) are copied from the provided object(student) to the newly created object.

Benefits of Copy Constructors

Using copy constructors in Java offers several advantages as given below –

  • Object Cloning: Copy constructors enable the creation of independent copies of objects, ensuring data encapsulation and separation of modifications.
  • Deep Copy Support: Copy constructors can facilitate deep copies, where not only the object’s attributes are copied, but also any nested objects or references they contain.
  • Encapsulation Preservation: Copy constructors help maintain the encapsulation principle by allowing objects to control the copying process of their internal state.
  • Code Reusability: By providing a copy constructor, you can easily create new objects based on existing ones, reducing code duplication and improving maintainability.

Utilizing the Copy Constructor

Once a copy constructor is defined, you can utilize it to create copies of objects. Here’s an example of using the Student class copy constructor:

Student student = new Student("John",12); 
Student copyStudent = new Student(student); // copy constructor

Copy constructors in Java provide a powerful mechanism for creating independent copies of objects. By implementing a copy constructor, you can clone objects and ensure data encapsulation and separation. In this article, we explored the purpose and implementation of copy constructors in Java, using a Person class as an example. Understanding and utilizing copy constructors can enhance your object-oriented programming skills, enabling you to create robust and maintainable Java applications.

Copy constructor Java Program

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int rollNo;

    // Copy constructor
    public Student(Student student) { =;
        this.rollNo = student.rollNo;

    public String toString() {
        return "Student{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", rollNo=" + rollNo +

    // Regular constructor
    public Student(String name, int rollNo) { = name;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Student student = new Student("John",12);
        Student copyStudent = new Student(student); // copy constructor
copy constructor in java

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