Selection Sort

How Selection Sort works:- Suppose an Array A with N elements A[1],A[2],A[3]. . . . . . . . .A[N] …

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All Divisors of a Number

Example:- if number=8 ,then the output will be 1,2,4,8. Steps:- Java Code to Find All Divisors of Given Number:- Output:- …

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Linear search

Example:- if arr={12,14,18,16,15} search =15, then output will be “element found at index 4”. Steps:- Linear search in java:- Output(Element …

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Factorial Using Recursion

Factorial factorial of any number is calculated in the following way. but there is some rule or important point related …

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yield Method in Java

yield() method in Java is used for current thread execution to give a chance for waiting for a thread of …

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