
NumberFormatException is the child class of IllegalException which is the child class of RunTimeException, Hence it is an unchecked Exception. …

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IllegalArgumentException is a child class of RunTimeException, Hence it is an unchecked exception. IllegalArgumentException is raised explicitly either by the …

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ExceptionInInitializerError is a child class of Error in Java, Hence it is an unchecked exception. ExceptionInInitializerError is automatically raised by …

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NoClassDefFoundError is a child class of Error in Java, Hence it is an unchecked Exception. NoClassDefFoundError is automatically raised by …

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StackOverflowError is the child class of Error in Java, Hence it is an unchecked Exception. StackOverflowError is automatically raised by …

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ClassCastException is the child class of RunTimeException, hence it is an unchecked exception, This exception is automatically Raised by JVM …

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NullPointerException is a child class of RunTimeException, Hence it is an unchecked exception, Raised automatically by JVM, Whenever we are …

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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a child class of RunTimeException in Java, Hence it is an unchecked exception and is raised automatically by …

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Exceptions in Java

In Java, how an exception is raised we can divide exceptions into two categories- JVM Exceptions Exceptions raised by JVM …

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